Зарубежные авторы

Axelsson A., Grebelius N., Jensen С. et. al. Treatment of acute Maxillary Sinusitis. — Acta otolaryngol., 1975, v. 79, N 5 — 6, p. 466.

Badik A., Minor G. Gyermekkori sinobronchitis. — Foil. orr. Gegegyog., 1977, v. 23, N 1, p. 25.

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Dixon H. S. Microscopic Antrostomies in Children. — Laryngoscope (St. Louis), 1976, v. 86, N 12, p. 1796.

Drettner В., Aust R. Pathophysiology of the paranasal sinuses. — Acta oto-laryngol. (Stockh.), 1977, v. 83, N 12, p. 16.

Fearon В., Edmonds В., Bird R. Orbital-focial Complications of Sinusitis in children. — Laryngoscope (St. Louis), 1979, v. 89, N 6, pt. 1, p. 947.

Fritz K. Die Siebbenentziindung beim Kinde und die Spiilungsbehandlung nach Proetz in Kurznarkose. — Laryngol., Rhinol., 1980, Bd. 59, H. 1, S. 30.

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Paludetti G., Altissimi G., Ottavani F., Tassoni A. Sulle complicanzeorbital nelle sinusiti dellinfanzia. — Minerva otorinolaringol., 1982, v. 32, N 4, p. 305.

Paavolainen M., Paavolainen R., Tarkkanen 1. Influence of Caldwell Luc Operation on Developing Permanent Teeth. — Laryngoscope (St. Louis), 1977, v. 87, N 4, (И), p. 613.

Reynolds W. V., Brandow E. C. Recent Advances in Mikrosurgery of the Maxillary. Antrum. — Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockh.), 1975, v. 80, N 1 — 2, p. 161.

Sariban E., Freyens P. Les atteintes orbitaires des sinusites aigue chez lenfant. — Acta otorhino-laryngol., Berl., 1980, t. 33, N 6, p. 927.

Schamm J., Myers E. N., Kennerdell J. S. Orbital Complications of Acute sinusitis. — Otolaryngology, 1978, v. 86, N 2, p. 221.

Тагу E., Reti С, Hirschberg J. Csecsemoes gyermekkori sinusitisenszovodmenyei. — Foil. orr. Gegegyog., 1979, v. 25, N 1, p. 14.

Timar Т., Eklics J. Helyi gyogyszereles gyermekek arcureggennyedeseben, — Full. orr. Gegegyog., 1975, v. 21, N 3, p. 155.

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«Воспаление придаточных пазух носа у детей»,
М.Я. Козлов

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